He does this thing with his hands where he sucks on them. And i know its a comfort thing and i know at 3months i shouldn't worry too much about it....its just that sometimes he tries to stuff his whole fist into his mouth to the point he gags his self and all his milk comes up. Its aggravating me because as soon as i pull his hand away he puts it right back. If i put something in his hand, he drops it and puts his fist back to his mouth. I don't know what to do but i'm so tired of it....help.I need some advice about my 3month old...?
My daughter did the exact same thing at that age, and she still does. She will be 6 months tomorrow. Have you tried a pacifier? Is he able to grab toys yet? Maybe you can get him some teethers or toys that he is able to chew on...that is what we did with Lilah. She doesn't gag on those, only her fist/fingers. But she now chews on ANYTHING that gets in front of her face lol....I need some advice about my 3month old...?
put those scratch mittens for newborns on him. He won't like the texture as much and won't try to stuff his whole fist in his mouth. But rest assured, he is NOT the only one with this problem!
try a pacifier it reminds him of nursing or a bottle so thats y he likes it but you could try little gloves or something
its probably not acid reflex cause that is when the milk upsets their stomach and has nothing to do with gaging
just try to relax
I hear ya! My son is 4 1/2 months old and does the exact same thing!
I recommend using some mitts so he won't put it in his mouth because he's gotten use to the taste of his hands.
I know you said you've given him things, but have you given the baby something like a teething ring or frozen wash cloth? could be early teething...
Ahhhh..yes..it's a live and learn thing..give him some time..babies are a little slow...he'll figure it out..
My 4 month old son does the same thing to the point where he gets frantic if he can't get his fingers into his mouth. I questioned his pediatrician about it, but she assured me it's a natural soothing behavior and perfectly fine for him to do. He rarely does it to the point of gagging himself. Try a pacifier if he will take it. My little guy wont. Otherwise, just try not to stress about it too much, he will outgrow it before you know it.
I think its a stage he is going through. My daughter is 3 months old and is doing the same thing too. She will be screaming to eat but have her fist in her mouth-I have to pry her hand away to get the bottle in her mouth. Then when I sit her up to burp her back in it goes!
I'm not sure what to try to keep her from doing it. I'm going to be watching your question for help too!
My little girl is 7 mon. old..She did this too! You need to look up or research Acid Reflux Disease. Now she is better and just sucks on them. I used to have to change her clothes all the time and she even lost weight b/c she was spitting up so much. She cried all the time. The doctors gave her medicine but it didn't work! In fact, it seemed to make her spit up worse! They did a barium X-Ray and found her intestines were fine. They said she had acid reflux. Well guess what, my brother has had this since he was a baby too. I've never had it.
Well, she is 7 mo. old now and she hardly spits up at all now. She started to get better when she was about 6 mo. old. She is on no meds. What ever it was, she seems to have out grown it.
I looked up acid reflux on the internet and the way I understand it is these babies stick their hands down their throat b/c it is painful. The back of their throats hurt.
I would take him to the doctor and tell them this and see what they say.
does he use pacifier? if not try one a big one called a mam or something like that you could google it, anyways its a larged nippled pacifier that is shaped alot like a mothers nipple would be if he were being breast fed.
My 1 year old still does the same thing. It's not just a little bit of milk anymore!! Good luck on stoping it now!
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