'Kay! I like a lot of boys at my school the the ones i really like hate me! 'cause i come on to strong...and fast please help people are starting 2 think i'm a stalker...and I'm not i'm just really enthusiastic! How do I come on more softly so they don't think I stalk them? and also if you come up with other boy advice tell me! please? and people automatically jugde me by how many boys I like and how I show it!:( help please?Advice about high school boys?
Guys need space. A lot of space. He doesn't really wanna feel like he's constantly surrounded.
Before you do come on too much, think about the guy that you like, how do you think he feels by your actions? How do others view it?
Before you go onto far, get to know them till they're comfortable with you around a lot, then come on. =]
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