Thursday, July 29, 2010

Need advice about credit card debt.?

I have two credit card balances of about $4000 and $6000.

I am at the point where I just keep paying more or less the minimum balance (at the moment both cards are at 0%).

Do I just keep doing this, or is there something else I should be doing?Need advice about credit card debt.?
You need to get the balances down to under 30% of the available credit. Just paying the minimum on time does not help your score that much.

That ratio of debt to available credit counts for 30% of your score, and if you keep the balances at close to the credit limit, it will hurt your score and you will pay forever not to mention that the APR will jump.

Hope this answers your questionNeed advice about credit card debt.?
You need to start paying more or figuring out how you are going to pay the balance when the 0% offer ends. Otherwise, if you keep paying the minimum balance when the interest kicks in, you are going to be losing ground and owing more, not less, as the interest accumulates.
Pay more than the minimum. when paying the minimum you are only paying the interest and barely any of the principal. You will be quite old before you pay off 10,000$ doing only the minimum

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