I have been engaged for a few months. He and his Mother have a strained relationship in the first place. She is very controling. He is an only child and she has been separated from her husband for several years. She will drive by his work to make sure he is there. About a month ago she sat me down and started telling me all the bad the things that he had done in his life and told me that I was better off with out him because he was just going to hurt me in the long run. She never has anything positive to say about her own son. I told my boyfriend some of the things that his mother said and she denies ever saying anything and told him that I was a liar and should not be trusted. It has been a month now and she is still saying the same thing. Should I confront her? Write her a letter? or just ignore it because she is completely nuts............I need advice about my future mother in law. She is making up lies about me. What should I do?
Confronting her will just make the situation worse. Clearly, she is trying to be manipulative and destructive. Getting down in the mud and fighting with her is what she WANTS you to do. Ignoring her is the best option: if your fiance and his mother aren't close to begin with, it should be pretty easy.
Oh, and maybe consider moving to a different state? ;-)I need advice about my future mother in law. She is making up lies about me. What should I do?
You need to present a united front and tell her under what conditions she can be a part of your life, and if she crosses any of those lines she is out.
You can't waiver or let small transgressions go unchallenged. If she knows her place she can make a choice to live in it or without the two of you.
And driving by his work, saying negative things or even a single lie should top the list.
Sometimes just keeping your distance is the best idea.
If your relationship with your fiance is a good one and he knows what his mother is really like then this is not a shock to him. If he is completely unaware of the things she is saying and you tell him it will only cause him pain.
The next time your soon to be mother in law starts to talk about the negatives she knows about her son just redirect her by saying something like ';I am sure there are things that everyone would change in the past if they could but your son is so wonderful at (fill in the blank) and I love it when he is so thoughtful by (fill in the blank).'; You could also change the flow of the conversation by letting her know the positive and wonderful things he has to say about her.
Good Luck!
Being that it is his mother, he should know by now she's vindictive towards him, for whatever reason. I would just ignore her and move on with your lives. Confronting her wouldn't do any good. She would just turn it around on you again. Just let it go.
I would confront her, try to be nice but firm, tell her to but and, and stay out of your relationship, if that's doesn't work maybe your boyfriend can back you up, I'm sure your bf knows how is mother is base on prior history, (how would you know all of those things about his past if he didn't tell you,) I'm sure he believes you she is just going to ruin his relationship with her if she does not back off
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
I have a mother in law from hell,
Take my advice and cut this nut case out of your lives COMPLETELY! Misery loves company and clearly this woman is trying to to suck her son down to her level of unhappiness. I would not even invite her to the wedding as people like that usually try to make everything about them and try to cause a problem.
I would be willing to bet your man is just as sick of her as you and at this point would choose you over her. Life is too short to deal with people like her....
Cover you *** per say.. email her that way it is in writing... and it can't be altered... but if you don't put your foot down now she will continue to do it. don't cuss her or call names just nice and to the point but I would email her and tell her you two are grown ups and unless she is supporting you or paying your bills you are perfectly capatble of making decisions on your own.
Good luck to you...
If all she is doing is making up lies your fine. You should hear some the crap my grandma says about her only sons wife, it gets out of hand. Just ignore it and be kind to her she will warm up eventually.
Move away - far away. Leave her in her own misery.
Watch that movie Hush with Jessica Lang and Gweneth Paltrow. You might be dealing with that kind of mother in law to be.
She is obviously trying to break you up. You have two choices as far as I see it. You can ignore her and by doing so, let her know it isn't going to work. However, she may just keep trying. If you have great strength in controlling yourself, I would call her and invite her to lunch or coffee. Tell her that you appreciate her concern but that everyone has made mistakes and you and your fiancee are willing to accept each other as is and start a life together. Tell her you hope in the future that she will come to accept your decision. If she is nasty to you inspite of this go on and forget about her. DO NOT tell your fiancee what she said. It will just cause more turmoil and that is what his mom wants. Do not let her bait you into and arguement either. Just tell her you are sorry that she feels that way and leave.
Find her a man. That wl keep her busy for a while
You and your boyfriend may be better off without her in your lives. I would be civil but avoid getting together. She sounds irrational.
You should run away. Don't marry him because when you marry him you're marrying her too. She will always be a part of your life. Imagine what it will be like when you have children. Imagine what holidays will be like with her around. This is part of the reason marriages don't last. What a nightmare!
I am being serious. Tell her to shut the hell up and stay out of your business and her son's. He is grown and any advise that she has will not be taken in consideration.
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