okay so on friday im going to get rubber bands on my braces and from what i hear, it hurts like crazy. im super scared and so i wanna be really prepared.
1. does it really hurt? and how long does the pain exactly laset?
2. how long do i have to wear them?
3. any advice on what to do before the appointment or after?
THANK YOU SO MUCH! =]Do rubber bands hurt on braces? any advice about it?
The rubber bands don't hurt any more then a regular adjustment does. The biggest problem with them is they are tiny and a pain in the neck to hook on properly.
Just make sure you know exactly how the dentist wants them before you leave the office.
Even with the strongest adjustment, the pain from braces only lasts 2 days. By day three..you are O.K.
I used to take the bands off when I ate and then replace them.
You can eat whatever you want as long as you brush your teeth after.Do rubber bands hurt on braces? any advice about it?
It really depends on the person. I have braces and when I got elastic bands they hurt a little less than when I first got my braces on, but, like when I got them on, it wears away after a couple of days and now it doesn't hurt when I wear them. Advil helps. but just make sure you have a soft meal for the next couple of days. Good luck!!
1. they do hurt, but the pain only lasts the first few days. They key is to keep them in, if you don't wear them for a couple of days, and them put them back it, it will hurt like the first day you got them in.
2. You may have to wear them for a few months, but it all depends on how much your teeth need to move.
3. Make sure you get a lot of packages of rubber bands, because they sometimes get lost, and it's very important to always wear them. And take advil as soon as you get home.
You can eat whatever you want with rubber bands. You can take them out before you eat, and put in new ones after, or you can just leave them in while you eat... but you may swallow a few like I did. Also keep a package of bands in your backpack if one of them breaks. Good luck!!!!!!
1) THEY KILL!!! sorry, but rubber bands really suck, i cried when I got mine on. The pain lasts about one week and then you just get used to it
2) it depends. if you never cheat and wear them all the time, you will not have to wear them as long as you would if you took them off a lot. ( i took them out a lot, and i had to wear them for 2 extra months! so dont cheat like i did!)
3) I would take a pain reliver after the appointment. and before the appointment, brush your teeth and floss really well
good luck kiddo, it will be over before you know it and your teeth will be looking fabulous!!
ok first things first eat before you go ur mouth will be soar after ward, and its not really a pain more just annoying at first untill u get use to them, and its a soar feeling is all not too bad. the soarness should only last a week at most as long as u wear them as instructed. and its very important to keep wearing them even if their uncomfortable because the longer u put it off the longer u will have to wear them so just get it over with cuz untill thats taken care of ur braces stay on and ur ortho will give u all the info you need good luck and just stick through it and it will be over before you know it!
BEFORE the appointment, take motrin, and keep taking it in a regular dosage for about 2 days. Then the pain should stop. Your dentist should know when you should and shouldn't wear them.
they dont hurt that much but take some asprin. it will hurt for the first 4-5 days. you can eat what you are allowed to when you have braces. dont forget to take your rubberbands out when you eat!!!! always wear your rubber bands but not when you eat anything.
1. they hurt but not that bad and it lasts for a day or two
2. if you don't have that bad of a over or underbite then probably untill your next appointment to get your braces changed, but your dentist will tell you for sure how long.
3. make sure you wear the elastics when your supposed to or you'll have to get them longer. Change them once a day too.
also you can eat anything with them.. good luck!
they do but not for long
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