Saturday, August 21, 2010

Need some advice about cm charting - women only please!?

This is my 2nd month cm charting. My cycle is always either 27 days or 31 days. My last period started on 27th March.

Last week I had egg white cm and I thought this was me ovulating. Usually after this my cm goes creamy then dry. That has not happened this month, I now have egg white cm again today. sorry to gross you out but there is a lot!

Could I be ovulating now? Have you experienced this. We have been BD every other day this month.Need some advice about cm charting - women only please!?
Some cervical fluid after ovulation is possible because the corpus luteum, though its main function is to produce progesterone, produces estrogen in small amounts. This may cause you to see some fertile-looking cervical fluid, even after ovulation.

If your temperatures and other signs show clearly that you have already ovulated, then you can be confident that you are no longer fertile. It is also not uncommon to confuse semen and eggwhite or watery cervical fluid. Some women also notice some fertile-looking cervical fluid just before menstruation.Need some advice about cm charting - women only please!?
Just to add to the already fabulous replies, you can also anticipate that ovulation is about 14 days before your next period. So that would put it in the middle/end of last week. If this seems to tie in with your EWCM pattern last week, you probably ovulated then. I'd also starting charting your BBTs if you find that you're getting confusing signs form the CM chart. Good luck!
This has actually happened to me before- I had EWCM on 2 separate occasions. It turned out that my body geared up for ovulation, but was delayed for some reason (so it was the second EWCM that was the ';real'; ovulation). I think its a great plan to get BDing every other day- you know your going to catch your fertile window that way.

Good luck and lots of baby dust!!!
Well, if you are just charting cm, I would baby dance just in case you ovulated later in your cycle. You might have started to ovulate last week and didn't and it's started again...

You usually get ewcm when you are ovulating or when A/F is approaching (and it's a little too soon for A/F to be approaching) just to cover your bases, I would be baby dancing.

Best of luck!!
Take a test.....I was ovulating during cycle day can also be a change in your system.

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