Well, what did you weigh the last time you were there? If the scale says you gained 70 pounds in the past year, either you've been taking steroids to build up THAT much muscle, you've put on a ton of weight that would be pretty impossible to notice, or the scale is wrong...
You can be overweight and still be very active, but if you're truly dancing 10.5 hours and cheering 10 hours a week (when do you SLEEP??), it's unlikely you're truly obese (5'6'; and 220 pounds is a BMI of 35.5). Do you have a scale at your house? I'd hop on that and see if it's vastly different than the doctors. (Or pull out some clothes from last year and see how they fit compared to this year as a general guideline.)
If that is truly your weight, then it's probably a good idea to sit down with the doctor and come up with a weight loss plan that gives you enough of the foods you need to continue to be so healthfully active, but helps reduce the weight. Or to find out what's causing such an unexpected weight increase.Ok, i really need advice about my weight :(?
well that would be considered over weight..but it probably isnt fat wise...you are very active so it prolly is mostly muscle weight...but dont worry...everyone is different=)
it might have been a metric scale...call your doctor and ask
Yes, your friends could be lying to you. But more importantly you need to make sure that most of that weight is muscle. If I were you, I'd watch what I ate and maybe pick up jogging in the morning. 220 is alot for someone at 5'6. Your weight should be around 135-160. Speak to your mom about your weight, mom's are usually good for giving honest advise!
Take care, and remember no matter what you're still beautiful!
well. look at yourself. are you flubby?do you have a large stomach? big boobs? thats pretty overweight but youre not overweight if you are all muscle. if your not muscley and not fat then i think your doctors scale is wrong. try using a different scale.
Step on a scale and see for yourself how much you really weigh. If you're 220, then all you have to do is watch your diet carefully. Lot of fruits and veggies. Cut on carbs and junk foods. You already have an active lifestyle so it will be easier for you to shed those extra pounds.
oh jeez there are some mean ppl cough SC cough
well Id say its mostly muscle. Because yuor so active, theres NO WAY your fat. Its prbably because of your muscle and body mass.
Plus if you have large breasts, usually that can weigh some too
Check out your other answers they are wonderful. Also if your still worried have your doc do a body fat test which i am sure will be fine. If it isn't ask about maybe some testing to the thyriod or maybe some hormone testing. Those 2 are sometimes the aggrevating factor. Good luck and keep dancing.
That is overweight, but most of its probably muscle. Like look at Brooke Hogan, she a pretty big girl, but she still looks good.
I suggest you visit the dr. and have him run a TSH. You're pretty busy to be hypothyroid, but it does make you gain weight unaccountably.
TX Mom
Not an expert
It seems very unusual for a doctors scale to measure you in pounds I would ask the doctor to confirm as you should not worry to much about your weight at your age
You are probably hypothyroid and you need to add iodine to your diet.Check out Mary Shomon`s yahoo group,called thyroid.Many of us are not getting enough iodine in our diets.Also you can check out a book By Dr.David Brownstein called Iodine:Why you Need it.Why You Can`t Live Without it.There is also a group In yahoo groups called iodine you should check out.Iodine defiefiency can cause hypothyroidism.You may need thyroid meds.
I'm surprised the doctor didn't give you the advice you're seeking. It sounds like you're certainly getting all the exercise you need, so I'm wondering if you're truly eating healthy. Take a look at the types of foods you're eating, paying attention to the fat and calorie content. Some people think that eating salads and vegetables and fruits is the answer, but it really depends on what's in a salad (and on it) and how the vegetables are prepared (sauces and gravy?) that determines whether they are good for you. Snacks can kill a diet in a NY minute if they contain fats and calories. Obesity is dangerous for your heart, even at age 15. Why don't you call that doctor back and ask him for a plan to help you lose a bit of weight? Good luck.
most of that weight is probably muscle not fat
According to the body mass index calculator, in order for you to be a normal weight for your height you have to be under 185 pounds. Not only are you overweight, your obese. Im not trying to be mean. Lose enough weight to be 185 pounds and you will be good to go!! :) best of luck. also a lot of that weight could be muscle if your really muscular..
you're overweight, simple as that,
i weight almost the same and i'm a weightlifter, 6'1 tall, so that's not all muscle weight.
You need to post a picture!!!
your friends are being nice because they dont want to hurt your feelings, dont be upset with them for lying to you because they lied because they care about you. there is no way you can look 150 and be 220.
i suggest you stop eating so much and lose half your weight.
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