what wuld u tell ur son or daughter and wha advice wuld u give them about sexuality?What advice would you give a child about having sex?
For kids age 14 and under I'll tell them don't do it (PERIOD)
For Kids age 15 to 17 I'll tell them use a condom and don't get pregnant or don't get them pregnant.
For 18 and older they can make their own decisions on how and when to have sex.What advice would you give a child about having sex?
Wait, till you're 18 ! Thats early enough !
:- )
If i had a kid. i would tell him/her to Use protection and do it when your ready.
As a parent myself I feel the best protection is knowledge. If we teach our children and educate them on what is normal at their age, they are able to figure out what is not and if there is a problem come to you.
I would not advocate my child having sex, of course we all know that at some point there is a good chance they will, but on their terms and when they are emotionally ready which usually isn't until they are in there late 20's. lol
If our children are informed about their bodies and feel comfortable concerning them.
When they become young adults and those hormones are raging they will practice self-love aka masturbation and not look to others to full fill their needs but themselves.
Don't do it until they get married.
Dont share toys
abstinence is best. you wont get std's or get pregnant.
tell them to wait til they are atleast 18.
just say what you think honestly
But seriously, 1) man+woman+sex=BABY, Always, no exceptions.
2) Over 105% of the population has AIDs.
3) Sex is VERY painful and usually kills people.
And then as they get older, I'd probably tell them the truth. =D
I would need an age of the child before I can give an answer. A child needs an age appropriate answer. If they are coming to you with questions and they are under 13, then I would be as honest as I could be and just answer the question. After age 13, then I think they need ';the talk.'; With my kids we told them the reasons people have sex, oury opinion about waiting, but I gave them all the information on safe sex because I feel they needed to protect themselves against diseases and pregnancy, should they decide to go against our advice. Safety is foremost with us.
Use protection. Don't do it. I don't know, I don't have kids. I'm still at the age where I should be getting the advice. Ha ha.
It's normal to think about it, and you'll probably hear your friends talk about it. The reason we don't want you to, is because it's a serious thing, that could kill you if you're not careful, and mess you up if you're not ready. And if it's a young girl you're talking about, tell her about all the mind games boys play to get it.
It depends on what questions my child asked me. If I had a child that didn't ask questions or tell me about their live I think as a mom I would put a condom where they could find it so they would talk to me. That would certainly get their attention and I could tell them : I don't want to know if you are or not but if you are please use protection. I would rather you not be doing anything but if you have questions you can ask.
Right now my children have an open relationship with me but she and he are not very old but she does ask questions and I always try to answer them.
don't do it.
i was told that i was trusted. if i really wanted to have sex and was sure! then it was okay to do it, but only if i was safe, let your kid know its okay, everyones going to do it, not at 13! but around 16 everyone is open to it, you cant watch your kid 24/7 or know if they go behind your back, but if worst came to worse, you'd wanna be there for them right? not have them hide it from you because you said ';NO!'; and they messed up :]
hope it helps.
one of my best friends had sex in fifth grade she got pregnant and died just tell them not to do it.
I Would tell them not to do it at such an early age. Then I would tell them the consequences that come with it.The benefits of not having sex like energie, straight the joy of your fresh sanity.The joy of waiting and how much better it would be to wait. Then if its to late I would give them all the heads ups about diseases and pregnancies, stress.Then I would say good night and snick out for some cooled ones a couple if you know what I mean.
This is a good site to look over...
It has information for guys and girl.s.
Umm dont have sex and if you do use condoms and if you get pregnant its your own dumb *** fault
depends on the age
teenager be graphic about OTHER ISSUES besides a possiable baby and hope they listen
younger be age appropicate
Everything. The Truth and the whole truth.
Use a condom every time.
Condoms break
If you can't afford a baby you shouldn't take the risk
Highschool love almost never last forever
Pulling out is not a safe way to prevent babies because of precum
Many people have an STD and don't know it so use a condom
Use a latex condom because membrane condoms can transmit disease
It feels good
Sex isn't love
If your parents catch you, you are grounded forever.
If her parents catch you, you might go to jail for statatory rape.
No, means no
Sex with drunk women is rape if she says so in the morning.
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